Introduction in English:
(unfortunately, all documents are in Norwegian)
- Mainly meant for the Norwegian public, regarding the development of Oslo and in particular the emerging high tech centre at the former Oslo airport of Fornebu:
Introduction in Norwegian:
Kvaerner's potential
in PRT - a memo
2001: A
review of monorail versus PRT (Personal Rapid Transit)
2000: The Oslo-belt concept -
(a strategy for gradually introducing PRT /APM in all of Oslo through using the belt of
business areas around the city center, as opposed to intervening into living
quarters and other more objectionable areas
2000: Report of
the advantages of PRT for Statens
Vegvesen Akershus (the national road authorities)
1999: Report of the advantages of
PRT for Akershus Fylkeskommune’s
Samferdselsavdeling (the regional transportation authorities)
1999: A
preliminary view of the Fornebu-cabtrack system
1999: Early prospect
costs in spreadsheets and diagrams
1999: Early Overhead
1999: PowerPoint
1998: A comment to the
report from Asplan-Viak, "Silingsrapporten" about "Banebetjening
på Fornebu":
1998: A comment to the
report from Avia-plan on behalf of IT-Fornebu: "Helhetsplan for IT-Fornebu":
1998: A short essay on the
potentials related to cabtrack at Fornebu
The original Fornebu-PRT concept and project - from 1998-1999
A preliminary prospect: (Please be aware that 2nd attachment describes the first version of the technology of Norsk Sportaxi.) Introduction and the main text:
Attachment 1, on userfriendly technology (Vedlegg 1: Brukervennlig teknikk):
Attachment 2, on technology (Vedlegg 2: Teknisk beskrivelse):
(Please be aware that the attachment describes an older version of the Norwegian based technology.)Attachment 3, on local traffic (Vedlegg 3: Trafikkgrunnlag på Fornebu):
Attachment 4, on economics (Vedlegg 4: Kostnadseffektivt - Bedrifts og samfunnsøkonomi ved prosjektet):
Attachment 5, on project costs - in spreadsheet tables and graphics:
- The costs are now in the process of being revised, and several alternatives for traffic, downpayment are being included. Here is a short explanation of the risk assessment related to the presented figures and the associated risk reduction strategy:
The complete text with attachments 1-4: (Please be aware that the 2nd attachment describes an older version of our technology.)Overheads: (Basis for a PowerPoint presentation)
The (re)start of the idea in Norway - 1997-1998
A comment to the official report "Silingsrapporten" about "Banebetjening på Fornebu": comment to the report from Avia-plan on behalf of IT-Fornebu "Helhetsplan for IT-Fornebu": short essay on the potentials related to cab-track at Fornebu:
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Except when otherwise noted, this site is copyrighted by
InnoTrans , through :
Arno Mong Daastøl , Utsiktsveien 34, NO-1410 Kolbotn, Norway
P.O. Box 4, NO-1413 Taarnaasen, Norway
Ph: +47.66806373 Fax: +47.66995325 Mob +47.90024956
amd@innotrans.netIn Norwegian:
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